Friday, February 21, 2020

WONDERful week

We have been having a WONDERful time in class. The students and I have really been enjoying our new novel study of Wonder. This is the story of a boy who was born with a condition called Treacher-Collins and it causes him to look very differently. It is a story about kindness, being a unique and special individual and being accepting of all people regardless what they look like and how they think. Ask your child about this story.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Week of February 3rd

We had a very fun and very busy week this week.
Tuesday we headed to the Glenbow Museum where we did a program about the Fur Trade in Canada and what that meant for the First Nation groups in the area as well as the European's that came over. Did you know The Hudson's Bay is the oldest company in the world?
This week we also did some Valentine's Day art, check out our hearts, they look 3-D!
Ask me about what my group is learning in math, should be about fractions to decimals.