Monday, September 30, 2019

Field Trip Rescheduled

Hello Parents and Guardians of Room 18,

Due to inclement weather and poor road conditions we made a decision this morning to cancel the field trip today. We were however, able to reschedule the field trip and it will now take place next week, Thursday, October 10th.
This is a fun lunch day so if you are ordering your child pizza, it will be kept at school and distributed at the end of the day before they go home, so please ensure they have a snack and lunch for the day.

The students will all still need to be dressed for the weather in warm layers and with appropriate footwear. They must bring water as the water at Ralph Klein Park is not drinkable.

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Mrs. Gartner

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week of Sept 3rd

  • "We had our first Family Friday this week." N.C.
  • "We are going to change up how we do gym" B.T
  • "We learned about speaking positively to ourselves so that we can work hard and do our best" W.T
  • "In P.E. the grade 5s played camouflage, it is our favourite game" J.F.
  • "On Friday we got to play Prodigy on the iPads, it is a math game" C.J.
  • "The Moose group got to play parachute games and squirrel tag during Family Friday" L.C. and M.S
  • "In our novel The City of Ember one of the main characters Doon is feeling discouraged about his new job" B.O and C.F.
  • "We watched a video about team work and how important it is. In our turtle group we did a scavenger hunt in the school." N.B.
  • "Go check out Raz-kids at home, we are all signed up for it." S.A.
  • "This week we watched a Bill Nye video about light, we learned about the difference between concave and convex lenses, ask me about it" K.S.
  • "We learned about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, I can tell you what they are!" Z.L.
  • "Mindful mouthfuls is something we are going to do during lunch times, it is 10 minutes of quiet eating" B.T.