Thursday, April 25, 2019

Making fans!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning all about electricity and mechanisms using electricity. These last 2 weeks our challenge was to design and build a working fan. Here are some of our creations, and believe it or not, each group created a fan that actually worked!!!

Grade 5 packing list

Grade 5s, our big field trip is coming up very quickly...5 more sleeps!
I am including the packing list on here so over the weekend you can ensure you have everything you will be needing packed and ready to do Tuesday. Remember to leave your money and electronics at home!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Over the past few months the students in Room 18 have been working on a novel study of "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane". We have absolutely loved this story, and were able to finish it just before spring break. For the last 2 week we have been working on putting everything we learned into a map to show Edward's journey. We had to include what his name was at every stop, who his owner was, how he got there and how he left. For bonus marks we could include a an interesting fact in each place he lived as well.

Here is an example:

Some of us did not finish in the 2 weeks allotted, therefore it is for homework, please finish it this weekend and return it Tuesday, Mrs. Gartner will mark it next week.

Here is the information you need for his name and owners:

Good luck finishing this up and have a lovey long weekend.

Mrs. Gartner

Friday, April 12, 2019


Week of April 8th

  • "Thursday night we did our Spring Concert and we are doing it again Friday for the school" J.F
  • "We are doing poetry, Acrostic was Wednesday and Haikus Thursday " H.T
  • "We are doing a map of the book we finished reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward 
  • Tulane showing his past owners and how he got to the different places" A.Q
  • "We did landscape art, which had a lot of colouring" B.S
  • "In science we learned about atoms and electrons and what they do" M.S
  • "We learned about the safety and dangers of electricity" J.F. and S.T
  • "In math our group is learning about angles, like 90 degrees and 45 degrees and 180 degrees" J.E and B.S
  • "Our math group is learning about area and perimeter, and different measurements" L.O
  • "We went out to the catwalk to explore, we sketched what it looks like right now and we talked about how we can make it better." K.T.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


With spring upon us we are able to pick up our catwalk project again. We will spend time designing and recreating one of our very own catwalks (alleys) in our community of Marlborough. We hope to be able to clean and beautify this space so it becomes a new favourite spot for the people of Marlborough to spend time in. Today we went on a waking field trip (first of many to come). Here we were able to use our sense to see what the space offers and come up with some creative ways to improve our catwalk. We really look forward to tackling this project.